Canature resin 001*8, 25 ltr bag
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Сanature 001x8FG is a strongly acidic gel-type cation-exchange resin with high exchange capacity, chemical and physical stability, and excellent performance. Сanature Na FG effectively removes hardness salts, as well as iron and manganese ions.
Functional Groups: R-SO3
Ionic Form, as shipped: Na+
Total Exchange capacity(Na+ form): ≥2eq/L wet resin ≥4.5eq/kg dry resin
Structural Moisture Retention(Na+ form) 43-48%
Dissociative Moisture retention:≤2%
particle Size Range: +1.2mm less than 5%,-0.3mm less than 1%
Apparent wet Density(Na+ Form) 0.82-0.83g/ml
Shipping Density(Na+ form): 800-850kgs/cbm
Maximum Operating Temperature(Na+ Form): ≤140 degree
PH Range, Stability: 0-14
Dissolution of Organic Matter (COD):≤1mg/L
Color:≤25 degree
Packing: 25L/bag
Physical Form and appearance: Yellow or fulvous spherical beads
Polymer Matrix Structure: Polystyrene Divinylbenzene