Кувшин- фильтр для воды Аквафор "Идеал"

Ресурс: 170 л
Объем: 2.8 л
Скорость очистки: 0,2 л/мин
Картридж: B100-15, входит в комплект
Варианты цвета:красный, белый, синий, чёрный

19.35 $ 15.86 $
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Lightweight and comfortable filter jugs of the Aquaphor  Ideal series are the embodiment of practical minimalism. Nothing superfluous, only compliance with the highest quality of AQUAPHOR. Aquaphor Ideal is a filter jug ​​with an optimal ratio of funnel and jug volumes, which allows you to use the kitchen space and your time in the most economical way.
The supplied filter module, in turn, preserves your health by providing a high level of water purification. The quality of drinking water purification with Aquaphor filters is confirmed by tests conducted at the Institute of Toxicology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, and filtered water is recommended by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for use in the preparation of baby food. A universal replaceable filter module B100-15 is used, which reliably purifies water from chlorine, organic compounds, bacteria and other impurities. Each jug is equipped with a removable lid and, for the convenience of the hostess, a scale for determining the volume of water.
Aquaphor Ideal  is equipped with a universal replaceable module  B5 (100-15), but other Aquaphor replaceable modules are also suitable for it:
  • B100-16 - Умягчающий сменный модуль;
Прочный небьющийся пластик, не содержащий вредных токсинов (BPA-free).

Технические характеристики: 
  • Ресурс: 170 л
  • Объем: 2.8 л
  • Скорость очистки: 0,2 л/мин
Удаляемые загрязнения:
  • Активный хлор 100%
  • Нефтепродукты 95%
  • Фенол 99%
  • Пестициды 99%
  • Тяжелые металлы 99%